Great Ocean Road
Kennett River to Apollo Bay
PDF Great Ocean Road Travel NotesKennett
River to Apollo Bay
Great Ocean Road Satellite Image
Kennett River to Apollo Bay
River is the light green area at the top right hand side of the image.
The big head land after Kennett River is Cape Paton. There is an
excellent car park and look out here. The dark cleft in the next bay
after Cape Paton is the Cumberland River where the Cumberland Falls
drop from top of the range to the sea. The dark cleft in the
middle of the
image is Smythes Creek. There is a high cliff face at the mouth. In the
bottom left hand corner of the image is Apollo Bay and just further on
is Marengo. The Apollo Bay harbour is clearly visible on headland at
Apollo Bay and Halley's Reef is visible off Marengo. The dark green
above Apollo Bay is Mariner's lookout and after a short climb
offers dramatic views of Apollo Bay and the coast. The Great Ocean Road
follows the coast for the full part of this trip.

Kennett River to Apollo Bay
Road Video
Aerial Video
Aerial Photos
Bay Apollo
Bay Cape
Gallery Apollo
Road Cape
Falls Mariners
to Do and See
Kennett River
Apollo Bay
Shops Fuel Eating Accommodation Kennett
River Apollo
Main Great Ocean Road Map
Next Section of the Great Ocean
Road Apollo Bay to Lavers Hill
Previous Section of the Great
Ocean Road Lorne to Kennett River
Great Ocean Road Facts
Kennett River Cape Paton Apollo Bay
Apollo Bay is located on the Great
Ocean Road and is home to approximately 1600 people.
The Henty brother from Portland set up
a whaling station in Apollo Bay at Point Bunbury close to the existing
Harbour in the
White settlement commenced in Apollo
Bay in the 1850's with timber
cutters coming to cut the forests of the Otway Ranges.
In 1873 a post office was established
at the town of Middleton as Apollo Bay used to be called. In 1898 Apollo Bay was officially named.
Apollo Bays first school was
constructed in 1880.
Access to the Apollo Bay improved in 1927 with the upgrade of the Old
Coach road through the Otway Ranges from Forest and in 1932 with the
opening of the Great Ocean Road. These improved accesses put Apollo Bay
on the map as a tourist destination but is has always been a low key
destination compared to Lorne.
In the early days travellers up and down the Old Coach road had to take
two sets of clothes. One old set to walk through the mud when going up
the road to Forest as horse drawn carriages couldn't climb the Otway
Ranges to Forest with passengers on board and the same clothes coming
the road into Apollo Bay to stand on the logs dragged behind the coach
used to slow it on the steep descent to Apollo Bay. The good clothes
were used to put on once up to Forest.
Cape Paton is a high headland overlooking the Great Ocean Road and the
lookout constructed there gives magnificent views along the coast to
Apollo Bay, Marengo and Cape Otway. During construction of this section
of the Great Ocean Road the vessel Casino ran aground at Cape Paton and
had to unload its cargo of alcohol to refloat. The Great Ocean Road
trust had to stall works on the Great Ocean Road for two weeks whilst
their workers drank the cargo.
Koalas are often present on the Great Ocean Road between Kennett River
and Apollo Bay particularly near Sausage Gully.
Cumberland Falls and Urquharts Falls are located on the Great Ocean
Road between Cape Paton and Apollo Bay.
Other waterfalls in easy travelling distance from Apollo Bay include
Hopetoun Falls, Rainbow Falls, Beauchamp Falls, Triplet Falls and
Little Aire Falls.
Mariners Lookout gives spectacular views along the Great Ocean Road
between Cape Otway and Cape Paton and is a must see on any Great Ocean
Road tour.
Apollo Bay's early settlers constructed a long pier but is was washed
away several times and lives were lost before the construction of the
existing protected breakwater. A walk on the outer wall of Apollo Bays
harbour gives
exceptional views of Apollo Bay and the surrounding hills.